General Guidelines


General Instructions to be followed by the students

  1. The college working time is from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm. Students should report to the college on time and occupy the seats in their respective class rooms before the arrival of the faculty
  2. Until they receive their uniform, students should maintain a formal dress code.
    Boys should wear formal shirts and pants. Accessories other than a wrist-watch are discouraged for boys. Girls are permitted to wear formal Salwar-Kameez with shawl pinned up on both sides. Leggings of any kind will not be entertained. Simple accessories are preferred for girls.
    Casual-wear like Jeans, T-shirts, skirts and semi-formal attires are not permitted in the campus.
  3. Boys should come with clean-shaven faces. Hair should be properly trimmed and combed.
    Girls should tie up their hair neatly. Hair colouring is not permitted.
  4. The students have to present themselves in full uniform with their ID cards whenever they are in the campus, during the entire course of study.
  5. First year students are not allowed to bring vehicles to the campus.
  6. In the case of absence, parent/guardian should intimate the concerned batch co-ordinator. Students must collect a leave-form from the batch co-ordinator and return it duly signed by the parent/guardian. Leave for more than three consecutive days should be backed by a medical certificate.
  7. If a student is travelling abroad, he/she should intimate the same to the principal in writing, one week prior to the date of journey.
  8. All sorts of political activities, and other activities of student’s organizations supported by political parties are banned in this college campus.
  9. Students are expected to be polite in language and behaviour. Misbehaviour to girl students, use of threat or violence against members of the staff or fellow students will be considered a very serious case of misconduct. Students are to refrain from using profanity or vulgarities. Free expression of love and affection that are not accepted in public is not permitted.
  10. Smoking in and around the campus, damaging furniture, defacing the walls, repeated absence from the class without leave, misbehaviour in the class, organizing tours without permission, general neglect of studies and other duties will be considered as serious offences.
  11. Use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any intoxicating or addictive substance is prohibited.

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