Nature Club: Study Material Collection Drive to empower underprivileged students.

Nature Club: Study Material Collection Drive to empower underprivileged students.

Dear Rajagirians…

A helping hand for Students of Malakkapara Tribal Colony

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

Inspired by these words, we are launching a Material Collection Drive to empower underprivileged students. Join us in this noble cause:

What: Donate books, stationery, bags, and more.

When: Collection period: [19-9-2023] to [22-9-2023].
Where: Drop-off at College portico during college hours. or send your contributions to the number
Gpay: 7594827137 and fill the form

Your contributions can shape a brighter future. Let’s make education accessible together!

Thank you for being the change.

Faculty coordinators:

Diana Joseph:80893 48320
Annu James : 94957 37746

Student cordinators
Fiza P Farooq :82899 74007
Joseph Sebastian :75948 27137

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