Lantana camara L.

Lantana camara L.


Camara vulgaris Benth.

Lantana Mexicana Turner

Systematic Position

Kingdom:  Plantae

Phylum: Tracheophyta

Order: Lamiales

Family: Verbenaceae

Native: America and Africa.

Common Names

English –  Lantana

Malayalam –  കൊങ്ങിണി


Lantana camara is a colorful flowering plant with small clusters of red, orange, yellow, or pink flowers, and it has rough-textured leaves.

Habitat: Forest-edge, riparian or riverine, roadsides, and other disturbed areas.

Distribution: Africa, Australia, India, south-eastern Asia.

Uses: Lantana camara is commonly grown in gardens for its attractive flowers and is also used in traditional medicine for treating various ailments such as coughs and skin conditions. However, it can be invasive in some regions and is considered a weed in certain areas.

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