Best Practice

Rajagiri Sparsh serves as the overarching framework, consolidating and amplifying the institution’s diverse social outreach and extension initiatives, fostering a cohesive approach to community engagement and sustainable development. These activities emphasize extensive public involvement, concentrating on five pivotal domains: enhancing communal vitality, promoting intellectual growth, alleviating destitution, fostering ecological balance and championing social parity. This multifaceted approach seeks to instigate meaningful change, bolster local capacities and tackle pressing societal challenges through dedicated grassroots endeavors and expansive outreach programs.
RISE (RCMAS Integrative and Sustainable Education) is an innovative initiative by RCMAS aimed at fostering holistic and sustainable educational practices. This program integrates academic learning with real-world applications, focusing on sustainability, ethics and social responsibility. By combining rigourous academics with experiential learning opportunities, RISE equips students with the knowledge, skills and values needed to address the challenges of the modern world while promoting a more sustainable future.

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