Cultural inclusivity: Furthering Respect, Empathy and Equality

RCMAS exemplifies secularism through diverse initiatives. The Deeksharambham ceremony features an inter-religious prayer, while Sarganjali, the annual Arts Fest, transcends cultural barriers. The institution fosters inclusivity via Equal Opportunity and Minority Cells, celebrates festivals from various faiths and begins each day with universal prayer songs. These practices collectively nurture a campus environment that respects and embraces diversity. Despite being a minority institution, students and faculty from diverse cultural, social and religious backgrounds thrive together.

The campus is Divyangjan-friendly and Transgender inclusive. The institution ensures campus-wide accessibility through ramps, elevators and assistive technologies for divyangjan students and staff while transgender inclusivity is promoted through sensitization programs that respect gender identity and expression. Ultimately, these practices equip graduates with the cultural competence and interpersonal skills essential for success in an increasingly interconnected world. The College also hosts a vibrant body of extension and outreach programmes reaching far beyond the classroom titled Rajagiri Sparsh, with a count of about 100. Students actively participate in all undertakings, tackling issues like child development and environmental protection.

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