Rajagiri College of Management and Applied science

PSOs and COs

Programme Specific Outcome(PSO)

PSO NOProgramme Specific Outcome
PSO 1Our graduates are able to understand the various parts of a computer.
PSO 2Our graduates are able to apply mathematical knowledge, algorithmic concepts and various programming languages to solve problems logically.
PSO 3Our graduates are able to design and create softwares to address real world issues which satisfies industrial demands.  

Course Outcomes (CO)

Semester I

Course Details  
Course Code EN1CCT01 
Course TitleFine-Tune Your English
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCommon Course
Credit 4Hrs/Week5Total Hours90
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1 Define strategic difference between spoken and written language.R   PO-6
CO2Illustrate adequate linguistic competence to communicate in accurate English.U   PO-1
CO3 Choose grammar as a tool in devising appropriate oral and written discourse in real life or specific contexts.R   PO-6
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeMM1CMT03
Course Title Discrete Mathematics – I
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeComplementary Course
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Understand sets and set operations, functions, countable & uncountable sets, Division Algorithm, Congruence relation & CryptologyUPO-1
CO2Understand relations and the concept of equivalence & partial order relations and Lattices, Logical statements, Rule of inference & argumentsUPO-1
CO3solve problems in Discrete Mathematics related to above topics.ApPSO-2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeST1CMT31
Course TitleBasic Statistics and Introductory Probability Theory
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeComplementary
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Apply core statistical techniques, including univariate & bivariate data analysis, to extract meaningful insights from data.ApPSO2
CO2Analyze the application of statistics in various fields and critically evaluate its role in informing real-world decisions.AnPSO2
CO3Explain the fundamental concepts of probability theory and its applications, discussing the tools and techniques used to solve probability problems.EPSO2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course Code CA1CRT01
Course TitleComputer Fundamentals and Digital Principles
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Explain the  different pats of computer and various number systems.UPSO1 
CO2Simplify Boolean expressions using Logic gates and K mapAnPSO1 
CO3 Understand Sequential and Combinational Logic circuitsUPSO1 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA1CRT02
Course TitleMethodology of Programming and C Language
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit3Hrs/Week4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Understand the basic and general concepts of computers and programming.UPSO1 
CO2Understand the concepts of different datatypes, control structures and arraysUPSO2 
CO3Explain the concepts functions, different user-defined datatypes and analyze program flexibility using dynamic memory allocationUPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA1CRP01 
Course TitleSoftware Lab-I 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit2Hrs/Week4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Create structured programs based on the concepts of decision-making statements and loop controls statements.CPSO2 
CO2Create programs based on arrays and pointers.CPSO2 
CO3Create programs based on functions, user-defined datatypes and dynamic memory allocation.CPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create


Course Details
Course CodeEN2CC03
Course TitleIssues That Matter
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCommon Course
Credit 4Hrs/Week5Total Hours90
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Demonstrate an understanding of national and global issues of contemporary significance.    U  PO-2
CO2Explain the role of government in providing public facilities and regulating economic disparities.UPO-2  
CO3Infer the social and environmental structure of the world economy.  UPO-6
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeMM2CMT03
Course TitleDiscrete Mathematics – Ii
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeComplementary Course
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Understand Graphs, Graph models, graph isomorphism, connected graph, Euler & Hamiltonian circuits, Trees & its applications.U PO2
CO2Explain the concept of matrices and Boolean Algebra and their related properties and applicationsUPO1
CO3Solve problems in Discrete Mathematics related to above topics.ApPSO2
Cognitive Level: R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA2CRT03
Course TitleDatabase Management System
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit3Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Demonstrate the basic elements of a relational database management systemAPPSO2
CO2Identify the data models for relevant problems.RPSO3
CO3Design entity relationship and convert entity relationship diagrams into RDBMS and formulate SQL queries.ApPSO2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA2CRT04
Course Title Computer Organization and Architecture
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit 3Hrs/Week 4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course OutcomesCognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
CO1  Explain the fundamental organization and architecture of computer system.UPSO1
CO2 Explain CPU architecture, instruction execution stages and addressing mode, memory organization and mapping techniques.UPSO1
CO3Illustrate the concept of pipelining and parallel processing. UPSO1
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA2CRT05
Course TitleObject Oriented Programming Using C++
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit4Hrs/Week3Total Hours54
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1  Understand the basic concepts and principles of Object-Oriented Programming and the portable programming language C++.UPSO2
CO2  Understand how to allocate and deallocate resources to objects of the class using the concepts constructors and destructorsUPSO2
CO3  Understand how to reduce time and resources through code reuse using the concept of Inheritance and also how to increase program flexibility through the concept of Polymorphism.UPSO2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA2CRP02
Course TitleSoftware Lab-Ii
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit2Hrs/Week5Total Hours90
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Construct a normalised database with the help of constraintsApPSO2
CO2Apply the basic operations and functions to the database.ApPSO2
CO3Apply Object Oriented concepts in C++ programming.ApPSO2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeST3CMT32 
Course TitleAdvanced Statistical Methods 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeComplementary 
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Analyze real-world scenarios and select appropriate probability distributions to model them.AnPSO1 
CO2Explain the fundamental concepts of statistical inference and its applications in drawing conclusions from data.EPSO1 
CO3Critically evaluate hypothesis testing methods, including their terminology, and effectively apply them to solve real-world problems.EPSO1 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA3CRT06 
Course TitleComputer Graphics 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Explain the working of Display systems and learn the algorithms for generating basic primitives.UPSO2 
CO2Understand two-dimensional transformations with clipping techniques and three-dimensional concepts.UPSO2 
CO3Identify the computer animation techniques and motion specifications.ApPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA3CRT07
Course TitleMicroprocessors and PC Hardware
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit4Hrs/Week3Total Hours54 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1 Understand architecture, pin diagram and instruction set of 8085 MicroprocessorUPSO1 
CO2Outline the components and operations of Hard disk and motherboardUPSO1 
CO3Identify different types of physical memoryApPSO1 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA3CRT08
Course TitleOperating Systems
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeTheory
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Develop a comprehensive understanding of functions of operating system UPS01
CO2Illustrate the various Process Scheduling algorithms and solutions to avoid deadlock.UPS02
CO3Explain the concepts of memory management and file managementUPS02
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA3CRT09
Course TitleData Structure Using C++
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit3Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Recall the concept of arrays and implement different types of data structures like Stack and queue using arraysRPO1
CO2Make use of the data structure Linked list to solve various problemsApPSO2
CO3Analyze the data structure Tree and how various data structures are organized in physical memoryAnPSO2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA3CRP03
Course TitleSoftware Lab III
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit2Hrs/Week6Total Hours108 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Utilize the operations and applications of array to implement various data structures like stack and queue.ApPSO2 
CO2Build programs to implement linked list and its types ApPSO2 
CO3Apply linked list for the creation and traversal of binary search treesApPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create


Course Details
Course CodeMM4CMT03
Course Title Operations Research
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeComplementary Course
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Understand the concepts of O.R. and different methods of solving linear programming problems.U PO1
CO2Apply the concept of Linear programming in solving Transportation &Assignment problems.ApPSO2
CO3 Apply different principles in Game Theory problemsApPSO2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course Code CA4CRT10
Course TitleDesign and Analysis of Algorithms
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Analyze the performance of the algorithms by finding Time and space complexityAnPSO2
CO2Apply classic algorithm design methods like Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Greedy method for problem solvingApPSO2
CO3 Understand backtracking technique and Basic traversal and search techniques of graphs.UPSO2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA4CRT11
Course TitleSystem Analysis and Software Engineering
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Faculty in chargeDona Maria Mani
Course TypeCore
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Illustrate the concepts of Information System, Organization charts and System development lifecycleUPS01
CO2Utilize the concepts of Software Engineering, Requirement Engineering and various software lifecycle models to estimate the size and cost of a softwareApPS02
CO3Explain the various aspects of software designing and testing.EPS02
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA4CRT12 
Course TitleLinux Administration 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Understand architecture of Linux and implement the basic commands using vi editor.UPSO2 
CO2Apply the concepts of shell programming.ApPSO2 
CO3Summarize the role of system administrator and understanding various servers.UPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA4CRT13
Course TitleWeb Programming Using Php
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit3Hrs/Week3Total Hours54 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Explain the concept of WWW, HTML and static websiteUPSO1 
CO2Apply the concepts of CSS and JavaScript to make website more interactiveApPSO2 
CO3Build a dynamic web site using PHP and MySqlApPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA4CRP04
Course TitleSoftware Lab IV
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit2Hrs/Week6Total Hours108
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Apply Linux commands to develop shell programs.ApPSO2
CO2Make use of the concepts of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in PHP programsApPSO2
CO3Build dynamic website using PHPCPSO3
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course Code CA5CRT14 
Course TitleComputer Networks  
Department Computer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit 4Hrs/Week 3Total Hours54  
CO No.Expected Course OutcomesCognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
Upon completion of this course students will be able to: 
CO1Explain about signals, various network models, multiplexing, transmission media and switchingUPSO1 
CO2Explain about various protocols in error control, flow control and multiple access.UPSO2 
CO3Illustrate about various networking devices, IP Addressing, protocols and cryptography.UPSO1 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA5CRT15 
Course Title  IT & Environment 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Understanding the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies and the role IT in society.UPSO2 
CO2Understand the impact of E-learning , concepts of E-waste and green computing.UPSO2 
CO3Understand the nature and need for human rights and its issues and solutions.UPO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA5CRT16 
Course TitleJava Programming Using Linux 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit3Hrs/Week3Total Hours54 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Define java tokens, statements, loops and Object-oriented features in javaRPSO1 
CO2Apply the concepts of packages, threads, exceptions, events, applets, and swingsApPSO2 
CO3Make use of JDBC drivers and architecture to establish database connection and execute SQL operationsApPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeBA5OPT22
Course TitleBrand Management
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeOpen Course
Credit3Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Explain fundamental concept and significance of brands in the market.UPO 5
CO2Analyse the process of Brand BuildingAnPO 5
CO3Develop strategies for successful brand portfolio management.CPO 5
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA5CRP05
Course TitleSoftware Lab V
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit2Hrs/Week5Total Hours90 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Apply OOP concepts to implement basic java programsApPSO1 
CO2Apply the advanced concepts of java like applets, swings, and thread and manage them in various events.ApPSO2 
CO3Examine the dataflow between JSP pages and database using JDBC driversAnPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA5CRP06 
Course TitleSoftware Development Lab1 (Mini Project In Php) 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit2Hrs/Week6Total Hours108 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Identify the chosen area of technology for project development  ApPO1 
CO2Develop effective communication skills for presenting project related activities.CPSO2 
CO3Contribute as an individual or in a team in developing technical projects.CPSO3 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA6CRT17 
Course TitleCloud Computing 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Understand the architecture of cloud computing and its types.UPSO2 
CO2Explain the taxonomy of virtualization with different technologies.UPSO2 
CO3Understand the concepts for data-intensive computing and cloud computing platforms in industries.UPSO2 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA6CRT18 
Course TitleMobile Application Development-Android 
DepartmentComputer Science 
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications 
Course TypeCore 
Credit4Hrs/Week8Total Hours144 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No. 
CO1Understand the fundamentals of Android studio, Activity lifecycle, multimedia and other services.UPS01 
CO2Compare the various user interface layouts in androidUPS02 
CO3Understand data interchange formats like JSON, XML and the role of Google Play Services to develop applications.UPS02 
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA6PET01
Course TitleData Mining
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeElective (Core)
Credit4Hrs/Week4Total Hours72
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Define data mining functionalities and types of data miningRPSO2
CO2Explain data warehouse architecture, multidimensional cube model and OLAP operationsUPSO2
CO3Examine classification, prediction and clustering algorithmsAnPSO2
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA6CRP07
Course TitleSoftware Lab 6 & Seminar
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit2Hrs/Week2Total Hours36
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Identify a topic from the wide variety of recent technologies in IT industryApPO1
CO2Utilize the literature review to produce summary of the topic.ApPSO1
CO3Develop presentation and communication skills to interact in a public forum.CPO6
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA6CRP08
Course TitleSoftware Development Lab II (Main Project)
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Course TypeCore
Credit3Hrs/Week7Total Hours126
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Identify the realworld problems and evaluate its feasibilityAPPO2
CO2Choose the correct Software Engineering model to design the system for the identified problemEPO5
CO3Create the application by implementing a new packageCPSO3
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create
Course Details
Course CodeCA6VVT01
Course TitleViva Voce
DepartmentComputer Science
ProgrammeBachelor of Computer Applications
Faculty in chargeExternal Evaluation
Course TypeCore
Credit1Hrs/Week0Total Hours 
CO No.Expected Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to :
Cognitive LevelPO, PSO No.
CO1Develop effective communication skills for presenting ideas.ApPO6
CO2Prepare for interviews both at the academic and the industrial sector.ApPO6
Cognitive Level : R- Remember, U-Understanding, Ap-Apply, An-Analyze, E-Evaluate, C-Create

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