Rajagiri College of Management and Applied science

department of Physical Education

group dance 1st prize

group dance 1st prize

The Department of Physical Education at Rajagiri College of Management & Applied Sciences
is dedicated to the comprehensive development of students through engagement in physical
activities and sports. Its objectives include encouraging regular physical activity to maintain and
improve health, providing training and facilities to develop skills in various sports, and
organizing inter-collegiate and intra-collegiate sports events to foster a competitive spirit.
The college boasts a range of facilities, including indoor and outdoor gyms, two basketball
courts, a football field, a volleyball court, cricket nets, and indoor games like caroms, chess, and
multiple table tennis tables. These amenities facilitate various sports and athletic activities,
highlighted by events such as Sports Day and other competitions. Students at RCMAS actively
participate in numerous tournaments and have earned notable achievements, bringing honor to
the college.

The Department of Physical Education at RCMAS emphasizes the importance of teamwork, leadership, and cooperation through team sports and activities, and educates students about healthy lifestyles, proper nutrition, and mental well-being. These objectives align with the college’s mission to nurture well-rounded individuals who are prepared to contribute positively to society.

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