Extension and Outreach Policy

1. Policy Statement

Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences, through its program “Rajagiri SPARSH,” commits to extending its educational and social resources to the wider community. This policy guides the execution of outreach activities conducted by the National Service Scheme (NSS), various clubs, and departments within the college, aiming to create a significant impact on societal well-being and development.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Establish a structured framework for conducting extension and outreach activities.
  • Encourage student and staff participation in community service and social responsibility initiatives.
  • Ensure a coordinated and effective approach to addressing community needs.

3. Scope

This policy applies to all outreach activities conducted under the umbrella of “Rajagiri SPARSH” by the NSS, clubs, and departments of Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences.

4. Policy Requirements

  • Planning and Coordination: An Extension and Outreach Committee shall oversee the planning, coordination, and implementation of outreach activities, ensuring alignment with the college’s mission and community needs.
  • Program Design and Delivery: Programs shall be designed to address specific areas of community development, including education, health, environment, and social welfare. Activities should promote volunteerism, leadership, and skill development among participants.
  • Partnerships: The college shall seek to establish partnerships with local NGOs, government agencies, and other stakeholders to maximize the impact of its outreach activities.
  • Documentation and Reporting: All programs must be documented, including objectives, activities, participants, and outcomes. Regular reports shall be submitted to the Extension and Outreach Committee.

5. Programs Conducted by NSS, Clubs, and Various Departments

Examples of programs include:

  • Educational Workshops and Computer Literacy Programs: Conducted by academic departments to enhance educational outcomes in underserved communities.
  • Health Camps and Awareness Programs: Organized by the NSS and departments focusing on public health issues.
  • Charity Programs: Construction of new houses, Food Packet distribution, Study materials distribution and wheel chair distribution etc.
  • Environmental Conservation Projects: Led by environmental clubs and science departments, involving activities like tree plantation drives, cleanup campaigns, and awareness workshops, Green initiatives like no-plastic campaigns, minimizing carbon footprint etc
  • Skill Development Workshops: Facilitated by various departments and clubs to equip community members with vocational skills and competencies.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation

The Extension and Outreach Committee shall monitor the progress and evaluate the impact of each program, incorporating feedback from community stakeholders to improve future initiatives.

7. Amendments to the Policy

This policy may be reviewed and amended periodically to reflect changes in community needs, college resources, and regulatory requirements.

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