Faculty Development Committee


Faculty Development Committee at RCMAS is dedicated to fostering the professional growth and development of our academic staff. This committee plays a pivotal role in enhancing the teaching, research, and service capabilities of our faculty members. Through a range of initiatives, including workshops, seminars, and mentoring programs, the committee aims to support continuous learning, innovation in pedagogy, and scholarly excellence. By creating a vibrant academic environment, the Faculty Development Committee ensures that our educators are well-equipped to inspire and guide our students towards success.

Vision and Mission

To cultivate an inclusive, innovative, and supportive environment that empowers faculty to excel in teaching, research, and service, fostering a culture of continuous professional growth and educational excellence.

The Faculty Development Committee is dedicated to empowering faculty through professional growth opportunities, fostering innovation in teaching and research, supporting well-being and work-life balance, enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration, and recognizing excellence within the academic community.


The Faculty Development Committee is dedicated to advancing various aspects of faculty development. Its goals include enhancing teaching quality through targeted training sessions and workshops, advancing research efforts by aiding in grant procurement and publication, and promoting professional growth via career development resources and mentoring programs. The committee prioritizes technological integration by encouraging the use of modern educational tools and fosters collaboration and community building through interdisciplinary initiatives and events. It also supports faculty well-being by offering stress management programs and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Furthermore, the committee focuses on continuous improvement through regular assessments and feedback, and champions diversity and inclusion in faculty hiring and professional development efforts.


Ms.Tessy Biju


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