Flat Backed Millipede Harpaphe haydeniana

Flat Backed Millipede Harpaphe haydeniana

Flat backed millipede in the Order Polydesmida, is also known as the almond-scented millipede or the cyanide millipede. Similar to other flat-backed millipedes worldwide, these names come from the toxic hydrogen cyanide that it exudes, which smells like almond extract. This is seen mostly in the agriculture lands and urban area as well as forests. The abundance is high during monsoon.


Systematic position

  • Domain : Eukaryota
  • Kingdom : Animalia
  • Phylum : Arthropoda
  • Subphylum : Myriapoda
  • Class : Diplopoda
  • Order : Polydesmida
  • Family : Xystodesmidae
  • Genus : Harpaphe
  • Species : haydeniana


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