Greenish Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides

Greenish Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides

The Greenish Leaf Warbler is a small, active bird found across Europe and Asia. It is a migratory bird that reaches as early as September-October to South India. It has greenish-olive upperparts and pale underparts, making it well-camouflaged among foliage. This warbler prefers woodland and scrub habitats, often seen flitting through canopy of trees in search of insects and spiders. Its song is a series of high-pitched, rhythmic notes. During migration, it travels long distances between breeding and wintering grounds. This bird builds its nest on the ground or in low vegetation.

Systematic position

  • Domain : Eukaryota
  • Kingdom : Animalia
  • Phylum : Chordata
  • Subphylum : Vertebrata
  • Class : Aves
  • Order : Passeriformes
  • Family : Phylloscopidae
  • Genus : Phylloscopus
  • Species : trochiloides


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