Purana tigrine/ Purana tigrine

Purana tigrine/ Purana tigrine

It is a species of cicada found in Southeast Asia. It was described from Malabar, South India. It is a common species in the Malayan Peninsula and on Bunguran Island in the South China Sea. The body length of a male is 22.5–29mm and that of the female somewhat less at 18–23mm. They have a greenish-ochraceous head and thorax, and brownish-ochraceous abdomen. The head and thorax are marked in black.


Systematic position

  • Domain : Eukaryota
  • Kingdom : Animalia
  • Phylum : Arthropoda
  • Class : Insecta
  • Order : Hemiptera
  • Suborder : Auchenorrhyncha
  • Family : Cicadidae
  • Genus : Purana
  • Species : tigrine

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