Feedback collection
Feedback on Curriculum and Academic Ambience is collected from various stakeholders of the institution including students, alumni, teachers and employers at the end of each academic year as part of the initiative of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). A Feedback Committee is established to draft the questionnaires with relevant questions rated on a 5-point scale covering curriculum, academic performance, ambience and overall satisfaction of the stakeholders. The questionnaire is reviewed and updated annually as needed, then finalized and approved by the IQAC. Data collection from stakeholders is conducted using Google forms.

Feedback Analysis
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college makes an extensive analysis of the feedback collected from the various stakeholders and compiles it into a comprehensive summary. Additionally, the IQAC prepares department-specific feedback, which is communicated to the respective departments for further action.

Action Plan
The various departments of the college review the feedback taken from stakeholders and implement various action plans based on the received input, which may include suggestions for curriculum enrichments, teaching method improvements or infrastructure enhancements. Each department’s Action Taken Report is then communicated to the IQAC. The IQAC consolidates these reports and prepares an Institutional Action Taken Report for the feedback of the respective year. This report is submitted to relevant authorities such as the University and the governing body. The feedback analysis and Action Taken Report are communicated to stakeholders through multiple channels including the college website, email and notice boards.

Feedback Committee members

  • Dr. Laly Mathew, Principal
  • Mr. Joby Jacob, IQAC Coordinator
  • Mr. Jotty Jacob, Department of Animation and Graphic Design
  • Ms. Kavitha Krishnadas, Department of English
  • Ms. Mary Antony, Department of Commerce
  • Mr. Sijo Jacob, Department of Computer Science
  • Ms. Megha Mohan , Department of Management

Stakeholder Feedback Forms

Sample Filled in Feedback forms

Stakeholders Feedback Analysis

Department Action Taken Report on Stakeholders Feedback on Curriculum

IQAC Action Taken Report on Stakeholders Feedback on Curriculum

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