Legal Aid Cell


Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences aims to foster a just and equitable society through its Legal Aid Cell. The cell is dedicated to enhancing legal awareness and consciousness among stakeholders. Through various initiatives and activities, the Legal Aid Cell plays a pivotal role in empowering individuals with knowledge and understanding of their legal rights and responsibilities.

Vision and Mission

To create a legally aware and empowered community.
• To enhance legal literacy and awareness.
• To provide a platform for discussing and addressing legal issues.
• To promote a culture of justice and equity through educational initiatives


The Legal Aid Cell strives to:

  • Raise awareness about legal rights and responsibilities.
  • Provide support and resources for legal education.
  • Organize seminars, workshops, and activities to educate and empower stakeholders.
Ms. Raji T Coordinator  
Ms. Jesmi Jacob Additional Coordinator  
Ms. Anagha Jayaram BBA 3rd Yr  Student Coordinator    
Mr. B. Devapranath BBA 3rd Yr  Student Coordinator    

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