IT Policy


Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences, Kakkanad, recognizes the importance of providing reliable and secure IT resources to support academic and administrative functions. This policy outlines the appropriate use of IT resources by students, faculty, staff and other authorized users.

IT Policy

Computer Labs:

  • Computer labs are provided for academic purposes only.
  • Users should not engage in any activity that interferes with the functioning of the IT infrastructure or disrupts the work of others.
  • Unauthorized software installation or modification of system configurations is strictly prohibited.
  • Users should log off from computer systems after use.

Campus Wi-Fi:

  • Campus Wi-Fi is provided for academic purposes only.
  • Users should not engage in any activity that interferes with the functioning of the Wi-Fi infrastructure or disrupts the work of others.
  • Access to certain websites or applications may be restricted based on the academic needs of the college.

IT Security:

  • Users are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of their accounts and passwords.
  • Users should not share their account information or passwords with anyone.
  • Users should report any suspicious or unauthorized access to IT resources immediately.

Data Management:

  • Users are responsible for the proper storage and management of college data.
  • Users should not store any sensitive or confidential information on personal devices.
  • Users should comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to data privacy and protection.

Software Licensing:

  • Users should comply with all software licensing agreements.
  • Unauthorized duplication or distribution of software is prohibited.

Personal Devices:

  • Users may use personal devices on campus but should comply with all relevant policies and guidelines.
  • Users should not use personal devices to store or process college data without authorization.
  • Users should comply with all IT security policies when using personal devices on campus.

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP):
The Acceptable Use Policy outlines the acceptable use of IT resources by students and staff. All users are required to read and agree to the AUP before using any IT resources provided by the college.

The AUP covers the following guidelines:
Use of IT Resources:

  • IT resources provided by Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences should be used for academic purposes only.
  • Users should not engage in any activity that interferes with the functioning of the IT infrastructure or disrupts the work of others.

Access and Security:

  • Users are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of their accounts and passwords.
  • Access to IT resources should not be shared with others, and users should log off their accounts after use.
  • Users should not attempt to bypass any security measures or attempt to gain unauthorized access to IT resources.

Internet Usage:

  • Users are responsible for their internet usage on campus and should comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • Access to certain websites or applications may be restricted based on the academic needs of the college.
  • Users should not engage in any activity that may be considered offensive or harmful to others.

Email Usage:

  • Users should use Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences email accounts only for academic purposes and should not send or receive any unsolicited or inappropriate emails.
  • Users should not use college email accounts to transmit or store any illegal or copyrighted material.

Social Media:

  • Users should use social media responsibly and in a way that does not reflect poorly on the college.
  • Users should not use social media to harass or bully others, or to post inappropriate or offensive content.

Consequences of Violating the AUP:
Violation of the AUP may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the college or termination of employment. The college reserves the right to monitor and audit IT resources and to take appropriate action in case of violation of the AUP.

Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences takes the IT Policy and AUP seriously and will take appropriate action in case of violation. Users who violate the IT Policy or AUP may face disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the college or termination of employment.

All users of IT resources provided by Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences are required to read and acknowledge the IT Policy and AUP before using any IT resources. By using the IT resources provided by the college, users acknowledge that they have read and understood the IT Policy and AUP and agree to comply with them.

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