
  • Praveen. M.and Dr. K Murugavel, Dr. G. Vasanthi (2021) “Selected skill and physical performance among basketball players at different playing positions”, International Journal of Physical Education, Kala Sarovar (UGC Care Group-1 Journal), Vol 24, Issue 2 (1), ISSN: 0975-4520, April- June 2021, Page No. 54-56.
  • Ajitha Kumari K R and Dr. K Murugavel (2022) “Combined effect of music therapy and aroma therapy on risk taking and emotional intelligence among women inter collegiate players”, International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health, Vol 09, Issue 2, ISSN: 2394-1693, Page No. 104-109.
  • Praveen. M. & Dr. G. Vasanthi (2022) “A study on the impact of skill training programme on basketball players”, Shodhasamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, Vol 08, Issue 2 (8), ISSN: 2277-1693, July-December 2022, Page No. 104-106.
  • Praveen. M. & Dr. G. Vasanthi (2022) ““A detailed study on the effect of twelve of skill training programme on the physical and skill execution abilities of novice basketball players”, Sanskruti International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Issue 013, ISSN: 2455-1511, Nov 2022, Page No. 32-34.
  • Ajitha Kumari K R and Dr. K Murugavel (2022) “Effect of music therapy, aroma therapy and combination on aggression and stress among women inter collegiate players”, International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health, Vol 09, Issue 2, ISSN: 2394-1693, Page No. 135-140.

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