Melanorrhoea arborea Wight & Arn
Rhus travancorica Bedd
Systematic Position
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Angiosperms
Order: Sapindales
Family: Anacardiaceae
Native: Western Ghats region of India
Common Names
English – Shendurini
Malayalam – ചെങ്കുറുഞ്ഞി, ചെന്തരുണി
Tamil – Senkurinji, Shencurani
Gluta travancorica is a tree found in regions like South India and Sri Lanka, known for its
tall stature and glossy green leaves. New leaves are reddish in colour and is a distinguishing
character when new leaves are developing together. Its wood is strong and durable, often used
in the construction and furniture making. The tree produces small clusters of greenish-yellow
flowers. Schendaruni Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala is known for this tree species. The
resinous sap of this species causes skin burn and itching and causes allergic reactions.
Habitat: Evergreen forests
Distribution: Southern Western Ghats
Uses: The wood of Gluta travancorica is strong and durable, making it suitable for various
construction purposes, including building frames, furniture, and boat construction. As well as
the various parts of the tree, including the bark and seeds, have been used in traditional
medicine for their potential medicinal properties. It has been utilized in treating ailments such
as diarrhea, dysentery, and skin conditions. The bark of Gluta travancorica contains tannins,
which can be extracted and used in tanning leather. The exudates from the plant may cause
severe allergy and inflammation.
Others: The bark of Gluta travancorica contains tannins, which can be extracted and used in tanning leather. The exudates from the plant may cause severe allergy and inflammation.
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