Staff Welfare Committee


The Staff Welfare Committee aims to create a supportive and enriching environment that aligns with the college’s motto of promoting holistic education, integration, social commitment, and academic competency.

Vision and Mission

To be a beacon of holistic education, fostering intellectual growth, social commitment, and academic excellence among staff, thereby contributing to a nurturing and supportive college community.

To promote the well-being and professional development of staff through initiatives that enhance holistic education, integration, social commitment, and academic competency. We aim to create a positive and inclusive environment where staff can thrive and contribute to the overall mission of the college.

  • Organize regular professional development workshops, seminars, and training sessions.
  • Support staff in pursuing further education, certifications, and skill enhancement programs.
  • Facilitate opportunities for staff to attend relevant conferences and seminars to stay abreast of industry advancements.
  • Implement wellness programs focused on physical health, mental well-being, and stress management.
  • Promote a healthy work-life balance through various wellness activities and initiatives.
  • Ensure equal opportunities for professional growth and development for all staff members.

Staff Secretary: Ms. Geethu Johny

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